Well! Looks like I didn't write at all in 2019, and am getting it in just under the wire for 2020. What a year it has been. A global pandemic shut everything down in March of this year, and there still is no 'normal' in sight. School went all virtual for the rest of spring, and I just spent fall semester teaching virtually and in person at the same time - not fun under any circumstances but being a music performance based class it has been especially challenging. I'd like to say that I think things went as well as could be expected - beginners learned how to play, and intermediate kids (who showed up) learned new skills, but there's also nothing like a real live musical experience.
Sara is in 4th grade now, she started the year digitally but went back to in-person instruction in October, it's been better for her both academically and emotional/socially. She is such a cool kid - has more confidence at 9 than I did at 19. Earlier this year she dyed the tips of her hair teal, and most recently she had me shave a third of her head!
She is big into theater - we found a new company in Lilburn that we like a lot - she's done both virtual and in-person shows there and is currently enjoying being a part of their Odyssey of the Mind team, with her creative problem solving skills. Her new love is horseback riding, she tried it at Camp Calvin this summer and loved it, so we've found a stable in Snellville that provides lessons that include grooming & tacking.
David is a teenager now, and almost as tall as me! (he claims he already is as he stands on tip-toe and tries to push my shoulders down)-I told him next year, and for the rest of his life he will be, so let me enjoy it this year! He was a digital student all semester but will return to school with me in January as we're not sure when Corey's office will open up again.
He tried out orchestra last year, playing bass, but it was not a good fit (for either of us!) so he's remained in chorus and has thrived there - would have auditioned for All State had it not already been cancelled for 2021 😢. He's thriving academically, and is on the robotics team for the 3rd year in a row. He's into video games, and has used them to keep in touch with friends
Corey and I just celebrated 17 years of marriage, and made it through quarantine without killing each other, so we've got that going for us. I did a bunch of DIY projects around the house, including the table and chairs pictured behind David, and painting the kitchen cabinets with the help of my uncle and Jill. The kitchen is such a happier place to cook and eat now, those were hours well invested. We had the rest of the house painted professionally, and even little things like hanging curtains have helped us enjoy the place more - wondering why some of it took us 10 years to do!
Goals for 2021
- Less Reddit, more reading
- Eat less, exercise more (have found a majority of the weight I lost in 2018)
- Sew more for family and friends
- Finish reading through the Bible (I started strong in 2019 and somehow drifted off as we came to spend all our time at home!)
- Use time wisely at work and try not to bring it home - physically or mentally!
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