Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas & Crafting update

Okay, one week into Christmas break, which is wonderful.  I'm not doing a good job getting enough sleep, but I'm having a great time with the kids.  They were both fully into the Christmas spirit, old enough to understand what is going on but young enough to have the innocence of youth, jumping up and down with excitement for 2 days before and joyfully opening presents the day of.  I loved hearing them talk about what to leave Santa for a snack (final decision - pretzels and an orange), as well as seeing their eyes sparkle at the candlelight singing of Silent Night at church.

This week was spent in preparation, and even then I felt like I didn't get everything done that I meant to - great intentions for homemade gifts, but did not plan enough time to make quite everything I'd planned. Left feeling like I could have done a little more for a few family members, but I'm going to tell myself the giving season is not over yet and try to finish a few more things.  We really stayed home, went to a bounce place one day, but other than that it was a cold, rainy week indoors.

Of the last crafting list, I did accomplish most of what I set out to do - turkey shirts and skirt, clothes for the baby dolls at church, and making jewelry - a bracelet at least for each female family member, with coordinating earrings or necklace as time allowed (although some I was stringing Christmas Eve!). Sadly did not take any pictures before giving away.  I'm discovering some of the beads I picked up at Michael's or Joann's were not a great size/weight for what I was trying to do, but these handy little $2 acrylic packs from Wal-Mart had enough for a bracelet and necklace!

Did not finish the red dress - at this point not sure what to do with it.  I did not mark the pattern well when I cut it a year ago, and it's leading to major frustration in creating the bodice - I can't match up large dots if I never drew them/they faded from a year ago!  I also didn't get the memory quilt done for David, which I knew was a long shot.  Nancy had these sweet blankets made from shutterfly that included pictures of them and their favorite toys, they are both sleeping with them tonight.

So before break is over, (having just dug through the unfinished project pile that is WAY bigger than I remember!), here's what I'd like to accomplish:
  • necklace for Joanne
  • finish owl blanket for Tracey  finished tonight!  Just wanted to have something scratched off!
  • edge blue blanket for Kyle & Ashley
  • work on owl cross stitch for Sara's door
  • complete birth announcement for David's room
  • sew firetruck latchhook to pillow & backing
  • make sleeping bags for the kids' teddy bears
  • GT scarves for my parents

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