Monday, July 28, 2014

Last day of summer

Whelp, it's over for another year.  Those lovely 8 weeks home with my kiddos.  No pics right now, but highlights included:

Annual beach trip with in-laws, back to a condo in Amelia Island.  Beautiful weather and lots of family fun. (lowlights on the way down would be locking keys in the car and A/C breaking down)

Teaching a rising 6th grade summer camp at my new school!  I transferred to Bay Creek MS, 3 miles from home.  It was really hard leaving Shiloh kids, and it won't be easy starting over, but I'm excited to be working with beginners again, in what appears to be a very supportive school. 

Spending more time with my BFF!  She moved over to Gwinnett to be closer to school, with closer to us as an added benefit.  We climbed Stone Mtn with the kids, and both bought new bikes, which we rode around Tribble Mill park a couple times each week.

Day trips with the kiddos - we made a list, and knocked off everything, mostly things we'd already done- Fernbank, Fort Yargo, Children's Museum, INK, Aquarium, but it was fun to go see Sara experience these things for the first time as a 'big kid.'  Our 'new thing' for the end was the Peachtree DeKalb Airport, picnic and playground in sight of planes taking off and landing.

Teaching at Encore Orchestra camp - this is something I was asked to do multiple times years ago, but always had grad school, or then David.  I was really excited to be able to do it this year, I had a blast working with the kids and hanging out with cool orchestra teacher colleagues.

Loosing 20 lbs! Never a bad thing - I had climbed my way back up to near post-baby weight by the end of the school year, so locked things in with Weight Watchers.  Still have a ways to go, but it's encouraging to see the scale moving in the right direction.

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